Chapter Readiness Guides
SRCAC has developed a series of Chapter Readiness Guides designed for CAC state Chapter organizations who may be considering undertaking a statewide initiative. Developed with the assistance of state Chapters who have undertaken these initiatives, each guide walks through various factors that Chapter organizations should consider before deciding whether or not to proceed with a particular initiative given their current capacities. Each guide is available as a fillable PDF to further enable you to interactively work through the guide, hopefully as part of a team or workgroup, in determining your Chapter’s preparedness.
The Readiness Guides below include initiatives for implementing a statewide case management system, providing training to CACs in your state, and enhancing MDTs including a focus on elevating and professionalizing the role of MDT facilitator and strengthening MDTs.
Chapter Shared Resource Spotlight
SRCAC partners with 16 Chapters from Maryland down to Florida and across to Texas. Chapters provide networking and mentorship opportunities, as well as work to educate state leadership on protecting children and the needs of CACs. Chapter staff across the Southern Region collaborate, innovate, and encourage one another through peer connection and sharing of resources.
The resources below are from Chapters across the Southern Region and are intended for shared use and reference as Chapters continue to evolve and build capacity.
Visit our Chapter page to learn more.