Providing Training to CACs Readiness Guide for State Chapters

Chapters have been in a period of rapid growth and development. The need to advance practice, disseminate up-to-date information, and grow and deepen the CAC/multidisciplinary team (MDT) model exists in every state. In many places, the Chapter is an ideal entity to facilitate achievement of these goals by offering training to child abuse professionals. Providing training as a Chapter can address unmet needs, enhance consistency of service provision across the state, position the Chapter as a leader and authority on the CAC/MDT model, and ultimately improve the experience for children and families receiving services at CACs.
This guide includes a how-to-use section, project considerations, and readiness focus areas, followed by next steps. The readiness focus areas include:
- Membership Needs and Readiness
- Staff Capacity
- Risk Management
- Financial Resources and Sustainability
This guide is designed for those Chapter organizations who may be considering developing and delivering training.